
line-height - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

The line-height CSS property sets the height of a line box in horizontal writing modes. In vertical writing modes, it sets the width of a line box.

Input line

Input line-height is not correct in IE8 #2724. Open. koenpunt opened this issue on Oct 15, 2016 · 0 comments.

Margin Padding Line-height problems in IE8 · Issue #258

What I need to do to align the menu? Thanks! The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: ...

lineHeight property (Internet Explorer)

Line height is the distance between the descender of the font and the top of the internal leading of the font. If a formatted line contains more ...

IE 8 line height issue - css

Spans aren't a good way to lay out your content, especially when you need to put margins and padding on them.

Cross-browser fix for screwed up line-height in IE8

The white text needs one line-height and the green should have another; or you can just remove line-height, or set it to normal, and let the ...


5、不兼容line-height. line-height:32px;. line-height: 32px-9; /*IE8*/. *line-height: 32px; /* IE7支持*/. _line-height: 32px; /* IE6支持*/. -ms ...

line-height Browser Compatibility On Internet Explorer

line-height is Fully Supported in Internet Explorer. To ensure it works seamlessly on your website or web app, test your site's URL on Internet ...

IE8 line between div's - HTML & CSS

Anyway for simplicity's sake and to preserve your own design method, just alter the height in the below div to 134px and I think you'll find ...


应该不会的,你是在本地调试还是在空间调试的?你在检查下是不是哪里没写对,或者你直接复制line-height:2;这个进去看下 ...全文. 百度知道十分钟有问必答 立即下载.


Theline-heightCSSpropertysetstheheightofalineboxinhorizontalwritingmodes.Inverticalwritingmodes,itsetsthewidthofalinebox.,Inputline-heightisnotcorrectinIE8#2724.Open.koenpuntopenedthisissueonOct15,2016·0comments.,WhatIneedtodotoalignthemenu?Thanks!Thetextwasupdatedsuccessfully,buttheseerrorswereencountered: ...,Lineheightisthedistancebetweenthedescenderofthefontandthetopoftheinternalleadingoft...